The Residence Protection Officer (RPO) Enhanced Skills Award Level 2 course provides already licensed SIA operators the skills and knowledge to work within a Protection Package at either a dedicated residence or at a temporary client base such as a hotel in the RPO role.
The Residence Protection Officer (RPO) Enhanced Skills Award Level 2 course provides already licensed SIA operators the skills and knowledge to work within a Protection Package at either a dedicated residence or at a temporary client base such as a hotel in the RPO role.
This course is also aimed at security staff who due to their role may be required to facilitate or support either short term or long-term protection tasks.
The Residence Protection Officer Enhanced Skills Award Level 2 course allows DS licensed operators, as well as CP operators without dedicated venue security training to work as part of Close Protection Team.
This course uniquely enhances core skills while at the same time highlighting roles and threats specific to the protection team and the role associated with securing relevant homes, hotels, businesses and hospitals.